An easy way for employees to trade annual leave, making that all-important work/life balance more achievable.

Your employees will really appreciate this simple and flexible way to buy or sell their annual leave. Employees wishing to purchase additional annual leave agree to a reduction in pay in exchange for receiving additional holiday via salary sacrifice. Those wanting to sell some annual leave agree to a salary addition agreement and exchange their annual leave for equivalent pay.

We provide a fully-managed service which includes completing salary adjustment agreements, providing you with clear HR and payroll information via an online platform and making it easy for you to ensure your employees annual leave remains above the statutory minimum.

You retain control over when your employees may take their annual leave and how many days they can take in one stretch. You can even choose timescales for employee registrations to fit neatly with your holiday year.

HolidayFlex can be operated as a stand-alone benefit or integrated into any existing benefits package. Giving your employees the opportunity to trade their annual leave can generate savings on your salary bill and provide employees the opportunity to achieve their desired work/life balance.

Take the time to talk about Holiday Flex

Key benefits of HolidayFlex

  • Tailor the scheme to fit your operational plans.
  • Complements flexible working policies.
  • Generates savings on your annual salary bill.
  • Promotes a happier and more productive workforce.

For more information about HolidayFlex call us on Call HolidayFlex: 0800 612 9015 to speak to our sales team or email us at Email HolidayFlex: